Thermal insulation & acoustic insulation with hemp fibers
Aggregates for shuttering C020
Inner dry part of the defibered, calibrated, filtered plant.
Dimensions of particles are from 0.2 to 0.25 cm.
100% of hurd
Advantages of TECHNILAINE :
High thermal and acoustic insulation
Thermal inertia (density from 25 to 80kg/m3)
From French agriculture and industry
Humidity regulation/Breathing wall
Natural resistance towards insects
Great durability ; strong mechanical resistance
Removable, salvageable, recyclable, renewable
TECHNILAINE is available in :
ROLLS (density 25kg/m3) thickness: 45, 60, 80, 100, 120 mm
PANELS (in different density from 25 to 80 kg/m3) with thicknesses: 45, 60, 80, 100, 120, 145, 200 mm
(Packaging of our products is different depending on the type of density.)
Perfect for insulating :
attic spaces,
wood framework,
yurts insulation
in all empty spaces of a building
Technilaine : insulation with hemp fibers.
The hemp wool “TECHNILAINE ” is obtained by “fraying” and “expansion” of hemp fibers. Due to its mechanical process of manufacturing TECHNILAINE is an eco-friendly product. TECHNILAINE’s performances bring to your home a healthy and comfortable environment.
Hemp fibers that we use come from French crop and are transformed in France.
Hemp wool® components
85% of hemp fibers
15 % of stable synthetic binder, non-emissive
25 kg/m3 only in rolls 25 or 30 kg/m3 in panels high density of hemp wool® bring a higher thermal phase displacement: The heat takes more time to cross a dense material; in this way, your home stays fresh during the summer.
acide phosphorique cire autolustrante cire de finition cire naturelle cire terre cuite decapant-terre-cuite detachant huile detachant terres cuites detachant terres cuites graisses décapant surpuissant dégraissant carrelage dégraissant terres cuites emulsion cire dure enlever tache de graisse terre cuite enlever tache huile entretien-terre-cuite entretien-terre-cuite-cailleau-tomettes entretienterrecuite entretien terres cuites hydrofuge-terres-cuites hydrofuge oleofuge impermeabilisation-des-tomettes imperméabiliser tomettes laitances carrelage laitances terres cuites nettoyant naturel terres cuites nettoyer carrelage nettoyer les taches nettoyer tomettes peinture terre cuite protection terres cuites proteger mes terres cuites raviver terres cuites siccatif tache graisse terres cuites protegees tomettes anciennes Ademe, Adobe, Agence, Aggloméré (liège), Aides, Anah, Ampoules, Argile (enduit), Architecte, Architecture bioclimatique, Architecture intérieure, Artisan, Artisanat, Association, Auto construction Carrelage de Saint Samson est spécialisé dans la fabrication de carrelage à l'ancienne, de terre cuite à l'ancienne terre cuite artisanale, rénovation de carrelage...
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