Examples of design : only your imagination is the limit.
Invest into the earth, decorate naturally with MA TERRE PREMIERE®
Dare the earth design !!
Ready to use on walls with our ecological glue.
Choose your design or customize according to your desires and your project.
Amazing !! 1 sqm represents 30 kg of soil able regulate about 1 kg of water vapor.
Our compressed earth tiles are also advised behind a wood stove.
Quick and easy to implement
Great ability to hygrorégulation
High heat capacity with phase shift
Sound comfort
Reduces some effects of radiation sensitivity
High density and mechanical strength
High dimensional stability
Fundamentally ecological
acide phosphorique cire autolustrante cire de finition cire naturelle cire terre cuite decapant-terre-cuite detachant huile detachant terres cuites detachant terres cuites graisses décapant surpuissant dégraissant carrelage dégraissant terres cuites emulsion cire dure enlever tache de graisse terre cuite enlever tache huile entretien-terre-cuite entretien-terre-cuite-cailleau-tomettes entretienterrecuite entretien terres cuites hydrofuge-terres-cuites hydrofuge oleofuge impermeabilisation-des-tomettes imperméabiliser tomettes laitances carrelage laitances terres cuites nettoyant naturel terres cuites nettoyer carrelage nettoyer les taches nettoyer tomettes peinture terre cuite protection terres cuites proteger mes terres cuites raviver terres cuites siccatif tache graisse terres cuites protegees tomettes anciennes Ademe, Adobe, Agence, Aggloméré (liège), Aides, Anah, Ampoules, Argile (enduit), Architecte, Architecture bioclimatique, Architecture intérieure, Artisan, Artisanat, Association, Auto construction Carrelage de Saint Samson est spécialisé dans la fabrication de carrelage à l'ancienne, de terre cuite à l'ancienne terre cuite artisanale, rénovation de carrelage...
Tel: 03 44 82 40 22 Fax: 03 44 82 74 69
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Email: info@carrelages-de-st-samson.com